Altitude above sea level: Goblin Valley SP
4967 ft

Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Anual Pass is so to speak the "flat rate" for all Parks managed by the National Park Service. The pass costs a one-time fee of $80 and can be purchased at the entrance to each National Park, National Monument, etc. The pass is valid for 13 months.

Our visits: So far 1 visit in February 2016

Goblin Valley SP

Description: The small SP protects hundreds of stone sculptures formed by wind and weather over millions of years. Since the stone sculptures remind of small goblins or mushrooms, the park got its name. There are no fixed trails, you can move freely everywhere in the huge area and look at and take pictures of the figures.

Our rating: A nice park where you can discover lots of bizarre stone figures. We had a lot of fun walking around here and we can recommend the park to anyone who has half a day to spare on their tour.
