Biosphere 2

Around Tucson - Arizona

Entrance fees and opening hours

Everything worth knowing about the tours offered can be found on the official webpage.

For the GPS: 32540 S Biosphere Rd, Oracle, AZ 85739

Our visits: So far 1 visit in May 2013

Biosphere 2
Biosphere 2

Biosphere 2

Description: This was a project in which a self-sustaining ecosystem was created that was independent of the outside world. It was to show that life is possible in the long term in an independent, closed ecological system. There were two attempts (1991-1993 and 1994) which both failed. The reasons were various, for example, the oxygen produced was gradually absorbed by the obstructed concrete. In addition, the oxygen diffused through the glass faster than carbon dioxide, leading to its accumulation. Another reason for the failure were cockroaches and ants that multiplied extremely.

The Biosphere 2 site covers 16 hectares and is located north of Tucson. The glass dome consists of 6500 glass plates that cover a volume of 204 cubic meters. Underneath, humans, animals and plants lived together in different ecosystems such as savanna, ocean, tropical rainforest, desert and mangrove swamp. The site has been used by the University of Arizona since 2007. In addition, the site is open to tourists and you can take guided tours to learn how the experiment took place here in the 1990s.

Our rating: The whole experience was very exciting and interesting and we can only recommend a visit here. We liked it very much.

Biosphere 2
Biosphere 2