Belle Fourche

South Dakota

Altitude above sea level: Belle Fourche
3018 ft

For the GPS: 415 5th Ave, Belle Fourche, SD 57717

Our visits: So far 1 visit in June 2017

Belle Fourche

Description: Belle Fourche is a small town in western South Dakota. At first glance, one wonders what could possibly be here that would be of interest to tourists. But Belle Fourche has a small special feature, because it is the geographical center of the 50 US states.

You can visit a small park where a plate marks the place of the geographical center. On the grounds you can also find a historic log cabin from 1876 and a small visitor center.

Our rating: This one is certainly not a must see, but we like unusual places like this. We visited Belle Fourche in June 2017 on our way from the Black Hills to Devils Tower NM.
