Belle Isle

Detroit - Michigan

General information on Belle Isle

Belle Isle is an island in the Detroit River right on the border to Canada. Among other things, it is home to the oldest aquarium in the USA and the only beach in the Detroit metropolitan area. On July 4, 1845, the island was given its current name in honor of Miss Isabelle Cass, the daughter of Governor Lewis Cass. Today it mainly serves as a huge park and recreational area for the residents of the city of Detroit. Bell Isle is now a state park and is managed by the Department of Natural Resources.

Our rating: We really liked Belle Isle. The small island is like an oasis in the middle of a big city. The atmosphere was very relaxed and pleasant. There were people everywhere doing all kinds of leisure activities. We can only recommend a stroll here to all visitors to Detroit. If you're lucky, you might even meet the Bald Eagle couple who permanently live here.

Altitude above sea level: Detroit
623 ft

Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Recration Passport is the “flat rate” for all state parks in Michigan. The pass costs a one-time fee of $40 (non-residents) and can be purchased online, at the entrance of the respective state parks or at the Customer Service Centers of the Department of Natural Resources. The pass is valid for one calendar year.

Our visits: So far 1 visit in October 2024

Im Aquarium
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory

Aquarium and Conservatory

Description: Both facilities have been restored with great effort in recent years and reopened.
The aquarium with a rich history is the oldest aquarium in the USA. It is home to several species that are endangered or extinct in the wild. The Belle Isle Aquarium offers several educational programs on water and environmental conservation. It has a formal partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to help reintroduce sturgeon to the Detroit River. The Keep Belle Isle Beautiful initiative to combat litter is also launched from the aquarium. 

Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Recration Passport is the “flat rate” for all state parks in Michigan. The pass costs a one-time fee of $40 (non-residents) and can be purchased online, at the entrance of the respective state parks or at the Customer Service Centers of the Department of Natural Resources. The pass is valid for one calendar year.

Our rating: Both facilities have been restored with great effort in recent years and reopened. During our visit in October 2024, only the aquarium was open. We could only admire the botanical garden from the outside. The whole complex is worth seeing and definitely worth a visit. 

Piranas im Aquarium
Inside the oldest aquarium in the USA
Piranas im Aquarium
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory