
Gaspé Peninsula - Québec

Our visits: So far 1 visit in October 2021

Percé Rock

Description: The striking rock is located at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula near the small village of Percé. It is 443m long, 99m wide and 88m high. Once there were three rock gates. However, only one remains today. Percé Rock is one of the main attractions of the Gaspé Peninsula.

Our rating: In October 2021 we were in Percé and enjoyed our visit very much. Not only the good weather, but also the nice, relaxed place contributed to a really nice day. The famous rock gate can be admired from several viewpoints.


Blick auf Percé

Indian Head Rock

Description: Indian Head Rock can be found a few kilometers north of the small town of Percé. Coordinate: Longitude 48.635097; Latitude -64.179854. It is a prominent rock that looks like a tribal chief's head.

Our rating: Certainly not a must, but a nice little stop to stretch your legs a bit.
