Massasoit State Park


Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Anual Pass is so to speak the "flat rate" for all Parks managed by the National Park Service. The pass costs a one-time fee of $80 and can be purchased at the entrance to each National Park, National Monument, etc. The pass is valid for 13 months.

For the GPS: 1361 Middleboro Ave., East Taunton, MA 02718

Our visits: So far 1 visit in October 2010

Massasoit State Park

Description: Massasoit SP is a small public park west of the small town of Middleborough. There are several small and larger lakes, hiking trails, picnic areas and several other ways to spend your free time. 

Our rating: We were at the park in October 2010 and walked a bit around one of the lakes. Especially with the colorful trees, it was a nice little stop to stretch your legs.
