General information about the National Monument

The National Monument is located in southwestern Colorado. It is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It encloses three of the four individual subareas of Hovenweep NM. The Canyons of the Ancients protects the largest number of archaeological sites in the United States.

Visitor number 2000
Visitor number 2010

Number of visitors

Best time to visit: Spring and fall
Our visits:
So far 1 visit: June 2023

Visitor number 2020
Visitor number 2022
Altitude above sea level: Rim Canyons of the Ancients NM
6781 ft

Entrance fees and opening hours

*The Anual Pass is so to speak the "flat rate" for all Parks managed by the National Park Service. The pass costs a one-time fee of $80 and can be purchased at the entrance to each National Park, National Monument, etc. The pass is valid for 13 months.

Lowry Pueblo

Description: The pueblo was built around 1060 AD on abandoned houses from an earlier settlement period. It was inhabited by 40 to 100 people at a time for 165 years. The inhabitants were farmers who also hunted small animals, made ornate pottery, and wove cotton, which they purchased in trade. The last settlement occurred in the early 13th century. The pueblo was named for the area's first settler, George Lowry. Lowry Pueblo is the only archaeological site within the monument that is developed for tourism.

Our rating: We enjoyed the short detour to Lowry Pueblo. It's fascinating to see the remains of early settlements in the area and to imagine how life must have been here a few hundred years ago. Certainly not a must see but still worthwhile for us.
